Samurai Pizza Cats Fan Fiction Wiki

Fan Movie is where fans write their Samurai Pizza Cats Movie that should be on TV or on the Big Screen. The fans can tell their own Samurai Pizza Cats Story. Hope that one day these films will come to life. Hope that someone will bring the show back to life. New music opening and closing just like the Gundams series. Almost faithful to the Japanese version including the Japanese music score. This Big Cheese is a fox. For now on in this films, this will have "No More Breaking the Fourth Wall." This will have Comedy, Serious, Mecha, Action, Uncut, Unedited, and Uncensored. The show will have some light and dark moments. It is now a Web Movie. Samurai Pizza Cats Movie.


The Samurai Pizza Cats and their allies help train the Samurai Egyptian Cats and their allies in the Japanese warrior ways. In return, the Samurai Egyptian Cats and their allies train the Samurai Pizza Cats and their allies in the Egyptian warrior ways. The heroes will learn new moves, armors, weapons, and finisher moves.

Samurai Pizza Cats: Return to Training[]

Amuha and Kittenpatra heard about Aiko and Kazuma being great prodigies from the Samurai Egyptian Cats and Catentiti. They decide to meet them. Later, they called Francine and asked for them because they want challenge them in a test of skills. Francine sends Aiko and Kazuma to Amenskienos. Aiko and Kazuma meet Amuha and Kittenpatra. Kazuma says, "Amuha. Francine told me that you’re good, real good." Amuha shakes hands with Kazuma and he says, "Kazuma, likewise." Aiko looks at Kittenpatra and she says hi to Kittenpatra. Kittenpatra says hi to Aiko. Later, Aiko and Kittenpatra share their adventure stories to each other. Meanwhile, Kazuma and Amuha talk about their weapons and armors. The four kids notice that their armors and weapons have Ginzu power. Amuha and Kittenpatra challenge Aiko and Kazuma in the test of skills. Later, they swim through the Nile River and race through the city by jumping on roof tops in the test of speed. Next they did fire walking to test their endurance. Next they did weightlifting to test their strength. After doing these events the results indicate that the four warriors are evenly matched. Later, the final test is combat. Aiko fights Kittenpatra while Amuha fights Kazuma. The warriors are evenly matched. The four warriors use their Spiritual Mega Hyper Modes and finisher moves on each other causing a big explosion and the fight ends in a draw. Meanwhile, Amen Big Cheese builds a robot and he orders the robot to destroy Amuha and Kittenpatra. Meanwhile, the four warriors are on the floor and they're exhausted. Suddenly, the robot and the Egyptian Crow of the Shadows see Amuha and Kittenpatra and they begin to attack them.

The bad guys attack Amuha and Kittenpatra while they’re exhausted. Aiko and Kazuma save them and they hide in the market place. The bad guys search for the kids. The kids need to get to a safe place to recover. The kids hide in a tea shop. After a while, the bad guys head to the other side of the city. Two hours later, the kids are recovering. Aiko says, "I got an idea. This could work." Later, the bad guys are searching for the kids until they see Amuha flying. The bad guys chase them until Kazuma attacks the bad guys from behind. Kittenpatra and Aiko attack the robot from behind. The robot got damaged, but the robot grabs Kittenpatra. However, Kittenpatra reveals to be Aiko. Aiko is wearing Kittenpatra's outfit while Aiko reveals to be Kittenpatra wearing Aiko's outfit. Amuha reveals to be Kazuma. Kazuma is wearing Amuha's outfit while Kazuma reveals to be Amuha wearing Kazuma's outfit. Aiko is doing Kittenpatra's moves while Kittenpatra is doing Aiko's moves. Kazuma and Amuha are doing the same thing. The four heroes use their Spiritual Mega Hyper Modes and finisher moves to defeat the robot. Kittenpatra yells, "CRIMSON CAT EYE SLASH! HYAH!" Amuha yells, "PHOENIX TALON SLASH! HYAH!" Kazuma yells, "Horus Wing Tornado Combination" Aiko yells, "Crimson Osiris Flame!" The four attacks destroy the robot. Kittenpatra did Aiko's pose. Amuha did Kazuma's pose. Kazuma did Amuha's pose. Aiko did Kittenpatra's pose. Amen Big Cheese got so angry that he exploded. Later, the four heroes say goodbye to each other and hopes that they'll meet again. Few days later, the bad guys attack Little Tokyo, Aiko and Kazuma head out. They use their Shebi Watches to change into their Egyptian Armor. Kazuma wears an Egyptian skirt, an Egyptian headdress with a bird symbol on it, and green Egyptian sandals. Aiko wears an Egyptian girl clothing, an ankh necklace, and an Egyptian headdress with a cat paw symbol on it. Meanwhile at Amenskienos, the bad guys are attacking the city. Amuha and Kittenpatra head out. They use their Shebi Watches to change into their Samurai Armor. Amuha wears a green Ninja Armor just like Kazuma. Kittenpatra wears crimson samurai armor just like Aiko. All four heroes fight the bad guys, they use their finisher moves, and they did their pose. Amuha and Kittenpatra did their pose while wearing Samurai Armors while Aiko and Kazuma did their pose while wearing their Egyptian Armor.

Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu use their Shebi Watches to change into their Egyptian armor. Kanzu wears an Egyptian girls clothing, an Egyptian earrings, and an Egyptian headdress with a cat symbol on it and snow white Egyptian sandals. Kazuma wears an Egyptian skirt, an Egyptian headdress with a bird symbol on it and green Egyptian sandals. Aiko wears an Egyptian girl clothing, an ankh necklace, and an Egyptian headdress with a cat paw symbol on it. They head to Egypt.

Later, the three heroes meet the Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, and Kleonzanpatra. Kanzu says, "My training still continues." Aiko says, "You mean all our training still continues." Kanzu says, "Oh yeah." Speedenhotep says, "You training will begin tomorrow. Right now, let's get you guys into the guest rooms. The three heroes go with Speedenhotep and the others.

Few days later, Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu are training in Egypt. Later, Kanzu is sent to the Egyptian Healing Chamber for the 40th time this month. Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, and Kleonzanpatra wonder what's wrong with her. Aiko and Kazuma just got out of the Egyptian Healing Chamber after the 3rd time this month. Aiko says, "Looks like my sister is going to hit the world record of being in the Egyptian Healing Chamber so many times in one month." Polapatra says, "That record is already been taken. Flashenkhamen and Speedenhotep had been in the Egyptian Healing Chamber 200 times in one month." Speedenhotep blushes. Meanwhile in heaven, Flashenkhamen blushes as well. Guidokhamen says, "It's because certain ladies, I'm not going to mention, put them there because they don't know how to talk to ladies properly." Speedenhotep gets angry and smack Guidokhamen's head while Flashenkhamen strikes Guidokhamen with a lightning bolt. Later, Polapatra wonders how they’re going to train Kanzu. Meanwhile, Kanzu sleeps in the Egyptian Healing Chamber. Kanzu thinks about the Egyptian training and she keeps getting hurt. Kanzu talks in her sleep, "Why is it so hard?" The next day, Kanzu's wounds are healed and she leaves the Egyptian Healing Chamber. Kanzu resumes her training with Aiko and Kazuma. 5 hours later, Kanzu ended up back to the Egyptian Healing Chamber again. Wolfentiti and Catawatem said, "Not again." Speedenhotep and the others need a plan to deal with Kanzu's problem. The next day, Kanzu is healed and she leaves the Egyptian Healing Chamber. Speedenhotep and the others decide to train Kanzu in the basics. They want her to do chores while wearing weighted clothing. So far, the plan is working. Kanzu hasn't been in the Egyptian Healing Chamber for one full week. Speedenhotep says, "This plan is working." Kanzu fell into the well and she can't get out because of the weighted clothing she's wearing. Speedenhotep says, "I spoke too soon." Speedenhotep tries to save her, but he ended up falling into the well and got hurt and he accidentally hurt Kanzu. Eventually, Polapatra and the others got Speedenhotep and Kanzu out of the well and they took them to the Egyptian Healing Chamber. Polapatra says, "This is going to take a while." Aiko and Kazuma train and play with Amuha, Kittenpatra, and Kleonzanpatra.

The next day, Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu are still training with the Samurai Egyptian Cats. Kanzu begins to get better with the training. The Samurai Egyptian Cats are pleased with this. Meanwhile, Amen Big Cheese and his henchmen attack the city with a robot. Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, and Kleonzanpatra tell Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu to stay at the restaurant and continue with the training while they handle the bad guys. When the heroes left, Kanzu decides to head out to help the Samurai Egyptian Cats. During the battle, the robot captures Kanzu. Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, and Kleonzanpatra use their Spiritual Mega Hyper Mode and finisher moves to destroy the robot and rescue Kanzu. After the robot is destroyed the bad guys retreated. Later, Kanzu is punished for disobeying her masters. Kanzu feels horrible about it. Aiko and Kazuma wonder when Kanzu punishment will be over. Speedenhotep tells them that Kanzu's punishment will only last for 2 weeks.

Two weeks later, Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu are still training with the Samurai Egyptian Cats. Kanzu begins to get better with the training. Kanzu's punishment is over. Kanzu apologizes to everyone for what she did. Later, Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu come up with new moves. Aiko's Egyptian moves are Bastet Tornado and Mummy Wrap Strike. Kazuma's Egyptian moves are Ra Tornado and Horus Feather Wind. Kanzu's Egyptian moves are Bastet Mummy Wrap and Sphinx Lightning Shuriken. Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu want to test out their new moves. Meanwhile, Amen Big Cheese and the bad guys attack the city with a new robot. Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu head out to stop them. During the fight, Aiko uses her Egyptian moves the Bastet Tornado and the Mummy Wrap Strike. Kazuma uses his Egyptian moves the Ra Tornado and the Horus Feather Wind. Kanzu uses her Egyptian moves the Bastet Mummy Wrap and the Sphinx Lightning Shuriken. Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu use their Spiritual Mega Hyper Mode and finisher moves. Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu tell everyone that they got brand new finisher moves, the Egyptian finisher moves. Aiko yells, "BASTET CAT EYE SLASH! HYAH!" Kazuma yells, "THOT TALON SLASH! HYAH!" Kanzu yells, "MANDULIS LIGHTNING CAT SLASH! HYAH!" The three new finisher moves destroy the robot. Speedenhotep and the others are amazed by it. Amen and the others retreated. Amen gets so angry that he exploded. Later, Speedenhotep and the others congratulated Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu for coming up with new moves. Later, their training is complete and they get to go home to Little Tokyo. Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu take pictures with Speedenhotep and the others before they went home. Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu promise Speedenhotep and the others that they'll see each other again. Speedenhotep and the others said the same thing. Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu say goodbye to Speedenhotep and the others and they went home.

Two days later, Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu use their Shebi Watches to change into their Egyptian Armor outfits. Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu use their Egyptian moves and Egyptian finisher moves to destroy a robot. Speedy, Polly, Guido, Good Bird, Carla, Francine, and Lucille are impressed and they want to learn new Egyptian moves and Egyptian finisher moves as well. Later, they call the Samurai Egyptian Cats and their allies and ask them to come to Little Tokyo to help them train. Two days later, Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Catentiti, and Lucintiti come to Little Tokyo and they agree to help them train, but they want to learn Japanese martial arts. Speedy, Polly, Guido, Good Bird, Carla, Francine, and Lucille use their Shebi Watches to change into their Egyptian Armor outfits. Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Catentiti, and Lucintiti use their Shebi Watches to change into their Samurai/Ninja Armor outfits. Speedenhotep Samurai Armor is white. Looks like Speedy's Samurai Armor. Polapatra's Samurai Armor is red and pink. Looks like Polly's Samurai Armor. Guidokhamen's Samurai Armor is blue. Looks like Guido Anchovy's Samurai Armor. Hora's Ninja Armor is green. Looks like Good Bird's Ninja Armor. Carlapartra's Samurai Armor is yellow; the shape on the forehead is an oval. Looks like Carla's Samurai and Ninja Armor. Amuha's Samurai Armor is green. Looks like Kazuma's Samurai and Ninja Armor. Kittenpatra's Ninja Armor is crimson red. Looks like Aiko's Samurai and Ninja Armor. Kleonzanpatra's Samurai Armor is snow white. Looks like Kanzu's Samurai Armor. Catentiti's Samurai Armor is emerald green, the shape on the forehead is a diamond, and a blond ponytail is coming out of the back of her helmet. Looks like Francine's Samurai Armor. Lucintiti's Samurai Armor is pink; the shape on the forehead is square. Looks like Lucille's Samurai Armor. Speedy and Speedenhotep said, "Let the training begins."

Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Catentiti, and Lucintiti are learning Japanese martial arts while Speedy, Polly, Guido, Good Bird, Carla, Francine, and Lucille are learning Egyptian martial arts. Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu help out during the training. Meanwhile, a group of new villains come to Little Tokyo and they create a robot that can fight like the Samurai Pizza Cats. Later, the heroes have trouble with the training until Al Dente calls them and tells them that Little Tokyo is under attack. The heroes head out to stop this attack. The heroes battle a group of new villains and the new robot. During the fight, the robot fights just like the Samurai Pizza Cats. Speedy, Polly, Guido, Good Bird, Carla, Francine, Lucille, Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu use their Shebi Watches to change into their Egyptian Armor outfits. Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Catentiti, and Lucintiti use their Shebi Watches to change into their Samurai/Ninja Armor outfits. The bad guys are shocked when they saw them in these outfits. The heroes tell them that they’re ready for another round.

Speedy, Polly, Guido, Good Bird, Carla, Francine, Lucille, Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu are wearing Egyptian Armor outfits. Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Catentiti, and Lucintiti are wearing Samurai/Ninja Armor outfits. The heroes are fighting the bad guys. Speedy, Polly, Guido, Good Bird, Carla, Francine, Lucille, Aiko, Kazuma, and Kanzu use their Egyptian moves. Aiko uses her Egyptian moves the Bastet Tornado and the Mummy Wrap Strike. Kazuma uses his Egyptian moves the Ra Tornado and the Horus Feather Wind. Kanzu uses her Egyptian moves the Bastet Mummy Wrap and the Sphinx Lightning Shuriken. Lucille uses her Egyptian moves the Anubis Mummy Wrap Missile and the Osiris Sword Strike. Francine uses her Egyptian moves the Mummy Wrap Whip and the Bastet Fire Whip. Carla uses her Egyptian moves the Thot Wind Trap" and the Horus Tornado Mummy Trap. Good Bird uses his Egyptian moves the Horus Mummy Wrap Strike and the Thot Shuriken Attack. Guido uses his Egyptian moves the Sphinx Umbrella Mummy Spin and Osiris Umbrella Arrow Shooter. Polly uses her Egyptian moves the Cleopatra Flute Music of Love and the Bastet Love Spell. Speedy uses his Egyptian moves the Sphinx Shuriken Strike and the Osiris Mummy Wrap. These attacks took out half of the forces. Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Catentiti, and Lucintiti use their Japanese moves. Lucintiti uses her Japanese moves the Rapid Fire Arrow and the Japan Tranquilizing Arrow. Catentiti uses her Japanese moves the Kunai Paper Bomb Trap and the Lightning Whip. Kleonzanpatra uses her Japanese moves the Lucky Cat Shuriken and the Arrow Shuriken Attack. Kittenpatra uses her Japanese moves the Love Jitsu and the Japan Kitty Yarn Wrap. Amuha uses his Japanese moves the Jitsu Clone and the Tornado Shuriken. Carlapatra uses her Japanese moves the Love Bomb and the Talon Tickle. Hora uses his Japanese moves the Kunia Lightning Strike and the Shuriken Rain Attack. Guidokhamen uses his Japanese moves the Arrow Shooter and the Kunia Chain Wrap. Polapatra uses her Japanese moves the Heart Shuriken and the Love Bow and Arrow. Speedenhotep uses his Japanese moves the Shinobi Strike and the Kunia Sun Attack. These attacks took out the rest of the forces. The heroes gather together to fight the robot until four more robots appear. Now the heroes are going to fight five robots.

The heroes are fighting five robots and they’re having a hard time with them. All of the heroes use their new moves, but the robots dodge their attacks. The heroes need a plan to keep the robots still. Speedy and the others have an idea to use their new moves to wrap them up like mummies so they'll be vulnerable for an attack. The heroes lure the robots into a trap and then they use their new moves to wrap them up like mummies. The five robots are vulnerable given the heroes a chance to finish them off with their new finisher moves. Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Catentiti, and Lucintiti use their Spiritual Mega Hyper Mode and Japanese finisher moves. Speedy, Polly, Guido, Good Bird, Carla, Aiko, Kazuma, Francine, Lucille, and Kanzu use their Spiritual Mega Hyper Mode and their Egyptian finisher moves. Lucintiti yells, "ULTIMATE FIREWORK ARROW BLAST!" Catentiti yells, "GREEN EMERALD LIGHTNING SLASH!" Kleonzanpatra yells, "THUNDERSTORM CAT X SLASH! HYAH!" Kittenpatra yells, "CAT METEOR SLASH! HYAH!" Amuha yells, "ULTIMATE TORNADO JITSU!" Carlapatra yells, "JAPANESE RAPID SLASH ATTACK!" Hora yells, "ANCIENT THUNDERBIRD!" Guidokhamen yells, "ANCIENT DRAGON FLAME SLASH!" Polapatra yells, "ANCIENT HEARTBREAKER!" Speedenhotep yells, "ANCIENT CAT'S EYE SLASH! HYAH!" Kanzu yells, "MANDULIS LIGHTNING CAT SLASH! HYAH!" Lucille yells, "ISIS MISSILE BLAST!" Francine yells, "SWORD SLASH OF ISIS!" Kazuma yells, "THOT TALON SLASH! HYAH!" Aiko yells, "BASTET CAT EYE SLASH! HYAH!" Carla yells, "HORUS BO STAFF MUMMY WRAP" Good Bird yells, "HORUS WIND TORNADO ATTACK!" Guido yells, "AZURE BASTET FIRE!" Polly yells, "EGYPTIAN CLEOPATRA LOVE OF WRATH!" Speedy yells, "SPHINX EYE SLASH! HYAH!" All of the finishing attack moves combine all of the five robots are destroyed. All of the heroes did their pose. Speedy, Polly, Guido, Good Bird, Carla, Aiko, Kazuma, Francine, Lucille, and Kanzu did their pose while wearing their Egyptian Armor outfits. Speedenhotep, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Catentiti, and Lucintiti did their pose while wearing their Samurai/Ninja Armor outfits. Five leaders of this unknown gang retreated and vow that they'll return to get their revenge. Later, the Samurai Egyptian Cats and their allies decide to return home and say goodbye to their friends and hope they'll see each other again. The Samurai Pizza Cats and their allies say goodbye to their friends and hope they'll see each other again. Suddenly, both Speedy and Speedenhotep slip and fall off the bridge and into the water. Polly, Guido, Good Bird, Carla, Aiko, Kazuma, Francine, Lucille, Kanzu, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Catentiti, and Lucintiti are not surprised that Speedy and Speedenhotep fell off the bridge and they laugh. Both Speedy and Speedenhotep yell, "That's not funny!" Polly, Guido, Good Bird, Carla, Aiko, Kazuma, Francine, Lucille, Kanzu, Polapatra, Guidokhamen, Hora, Carlapatra, Amuha, Kittenpatra, Kleonzanpatra, Catentiti, and Lucintiti continue laughing. Speedy and Speedenhotep sigh in grief.

The End

Special Edition Episodes[]

Episode 2: Samurai Pizza Cats Ancient Egyptian Mummification. The Samurai Pizza Cats are working until Francine shows everyone that she brought 50 jackal necklaces. The jackal necklaces have different colors. Speedy takes the white jackal necklace. Polly takes the red jackal necklace. Guido takes the blue jackal necklace. GB, Carla, and the others each take a jackal necklace. Later, Speedy, Polly, and Guido use Guru's dimensional device to go to a parallel universe called World Anubis 8. They look around until they meet three jackals that call themselves, the Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackals. Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackals are Speedjackal (Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackal version of Speedy), Jackalla (Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackal version of Polly), and Guijackal (Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackal version of Guido). Speedjackal, Jackalla, and Guijackal see Speedy, Polly, and Guido wearing the jackal necklaces. The Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackals immediately begin to trust the Samurai Pizza Cats. The Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackals show the Samurai Pizza Cats to their world. The work Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackals show the Samurai Pizza Cats that they work at a pizzeria restaurant called Pizza Egyptian Jackals. Later, they go to pyramid and they perform Egyptian mummification, and last they fight crime in Egypt. The Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackals display their finisher moves and they defeated their enemies. The Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackals did their pose. Later, the Samurai Pizza Cats say goodbye to their new friends. The Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackals hope to see them again soon. The Samurai Pizza Cats return to their world.

Episode 3: Speedy Cerviche and Polly Esther in Ancient Egypt. The Great Warrior sends Speedy and Polly back in time at Ancient Egypt. They are in Foxumantu. The people of Foxumantu have mistaken Polly Esther for Queen Cleocatra of Foxumantu. Speedy follows Polly. Later, an evil grand vizier wants to mummify Queen Cleocatra. Later, Polly is wearing a royal Egyptian long red dress, an Egyptian headdress with a fox symbol on it and an ankh necklace. Speedy says in excitement, "Looking good." Polly blushes and she is so embarrassed that she hits Speedy with a scepter. Later, Polly is sitting on the throne and the royal servants are giving her fruits. Meanwhile, Speedy wonders why the Great Warrior sent him and Polly to Ancient Egypt until he overhears one of the servants that Queen Cleocatra was missing until now. Speedy realizes that he and Polly must find the real Queen Cleocatra. However, Speedy sees Polly busy being queen. Speedy says, "Looks like I'm on my own." Speedy leaves the palace. Meanwhile, the grand vizier secretly puts a sleeping potion on Polly's drink. Polly drinks it and she hits the floor. The grand vizier tells everyone that the Queen is dead and she must be mummified. Later, Speedy wonders around the desert until he found a village. When he got to the village he sees someone that looks like Polly. She is flirting with a male cat. Speedy asked her if she is Queen Cleocatra. She says, "Yes." Speedy wants Queen Cleocatra to return to her kingdom because everyone thinks his wife is her. Queen Cleocatra wants to be with her boyfriend and she tells Speedy that she got lost during a desert storm until she found a village and she found her boyfriend. Suddenly, word got out that Queen Cleocatra is dead. Speedy and the real Queen Cleocatra are shocked and they return to the kingdom. Queen Cleocatra's boyfriend joins them. Later at the chambers, the grand vizier place Polly at the table and he gets ready to mummify her until Speedy, the real Queen Cleocatra, and Queen Cleocatra's boyfriend show up. The grand vizier is shocked and he yells, "I put sleeping potion on the wrong queen! Oops!" Queen Cleocatra says, "Condemned by your own words." The grand vizier tries to get away until Queen Cleocatra and her boyfriend stops the grand vizier by tripping him over their own feet. The sleeping potion wears off and Polly wakes up. Speedy is happy that Polly is okay. Later, the grand vizier is mummified alive and placed in a sarcophagus. Queen Cleocatra thanks Speedy and Polly for helping her kingdom while she was away. Queen Cleocatra asked her boyfriend to live at her kingdom as pharaoh. Her boyfriend accepted. Speedy and Polly return to their world. Later, Speedy and Polly find out that Queen Cleocatra is Pharaoh Speedy's ancestor.

Episode 4: Mummy Royalty. Amuha and Kittenpatra head back to the pyramid and they meet Ancient Egyptian God Anubis again. Ancient Egyptian God Anubis going to teach them how to mummify royalty, where to place them and what foods they can eat in the afterlife. Amuha and Kittenpatra are wearing long white robes, long white hat, and Anubis Masks. They begin to mummify a dead pharaoh and a dead queen. They first use natron; next they used metal hooks and knives to remove the organs. The stomachs, lungs, kidneys, and brains are placed in canopic jars. They remove the organs first before they add the natron. The two corpses are wearing mummified bandages all over their heads and bodies. They buried the corpses at the bottom of the pyramid. They place them in sarcophaguses and seal them in. They also put rubies, gold, fruits, vegetables, bread, drinks, cheese, meat, candy, and ten servants right next to the sarcophaguses. The ten servants are mummified alive and placed in a sarcophagus. The sarcophaguses are a diamonds, rubies, two scepters across the arms and have jackal faces. Amuha and Kittenpatra place the two sarcophaguses at a royal pyramid. Amuha and Kittenpatra close the pyramid. Ancient Egyptian God Anubis says, "Well done." Amuha and Kittenpatra head home. Ancient Egyptian God Anubis says himself, "I forgot to tell them that they need to make sure that the dead pharaoh and dead queen have names on them. Hope this doesn't come back to haunt me." Suddenly, two ghosts appear the ghost of the dead pharaoh and the ghost of the dead queen. "I spoke too soon," said the grieving Ancient Egyptian God Anubis.

Episode 5: Buried Alive in The Valley of the Kings. The Samurai Egyptian Cats got a letter that they won a trip to Valley of the Kings. The Samurai Egyptian Cats head to Valley of the Kings. When they got there, they see a sign that says, "Welcome to Valley of the Kings, Meet Your Doom Samurai Egyptian Cats." The Samurai Egyptian Cats are happy and laughing thinking it's a joke until someone throws a knockout gas at them. The Samurai Egyptian Cats are knocked out. Later, Hora and the others haven't heard from the Samurai Egyptian Cats for a few hours. Al Chigaru looks at the letter, the letter that the Samurai Egyptian Cats read that they won a trip to Valley of the Kings. Al Chigaru sees the letter was a fake. Al Chigaru tells Hora and the others to go to Valley of the Kings. Later, the Samurai Egyptian Cats wake up and they're tied up (by rope). They see Kenile and Crowenkhamen. Kenile and Crowenkhamen reveal that this was a trap. Kenile and Crowenkhamen order their Egyptian Crow Warriors to place them in sarcophaguses and put them in different tombs. The Egyptian Crow Warriors wrapped the Samurai Egyptian Cats in mummy bandages and they seal them up in sarcophaguses. They put the sarcophaguses in different tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Later, Hora and the others made it to the Valley of the Kings. They begin to search for the Samurai Egyptian Cats until the Egyptian Crow Warriors surround them. Kenile and Crowenkhamen order the Egyptian Crow Warriors to attack the heroes. Hora and the others battle the Egyptian Crow Warriors. The heroes see Kenile and Crowenkhamen trying to leave. Hora orders Speedenhotep Jr., Guidohotep, Speedtut, Valonepta, Guidokhamen Jr., and Zetut to stop Kenile and Crowenkhamen. Speedenhotep Jr., Guidohotep, Speedtut, Valonepta, Guidokhamen Jr., and Zetut fight Kenile and Crowenkhamen. Hora and the others use their finisher moves. The Egyptian Crow Warriors are defeated. Speedenhotep Jr., Guidohotep, Speedtut, Valonepta, Guidokhamen Jr., and Zetut use their Spiritual Mega Hyper Mode and their finisher moves. Kenile and Crowenkhamen are defeated. The heroes did their pose. Later, the heroes go to each tomb and they free the Samurai Egyptian Cats. The Samurai Egyptian Cats thank their family and friends for rescuing them. The heroes head home. The next day, the Samurai Egyptian Cats got a letter that said that they won a trip to Paris, France. Al Chigaru says, "Here we go again."

Episode 6: Polly Esther as Cleopatra. Polly is reading a book about Cleopatra. Polly fell asleep. (Dreaming) Polly dreams she's Cleopatra. She is wearing a full length pearl white gown with a jewel necklace, a golden belt drape with a jewel belt buckle, full length cape, an Egyptian headdress with a snake symbol on it, and an ankh necklace. Cleopatra rules Egypt. She and Mark Antony (Speedy) have children. Cleopatra didn't care when she heard about Julius Caesar's death. Cleopatra became well known queen on Earth. Meanwhile in Japan, an Empress (Empress Vi's ancestor) is jealous of Cleopatra. (Dreaming Ends) Polly wakes up. Polly sees Speedy and Guido slacking off. Polly orders them to get back to work. Speedy and Guido got back to work. Polly asked, "I wonder if Cleopatra ever hit Mark Antony and Julius Caesar with a frying pan?"

Episode 7: Speedy Cerviche as King Tut. Speedy is reading a comic book about King Tut. Speedy trips and he falls on the floor. Speedy is knocked out. (Dreaming) Speedy dreams he's King Tut. He holds a pear shaped mace and a tall staff. He wears a long white Egyptian gown and the khat rounded headdress typically worn by Egyptian nobility. In the other one, he wears the nemes pleated headdress reserved for the pharaoh. He’s wife is Ankhesenamun (Polly). He rules all over Egypt. One day, King Tut dies at a young age. At the funeral, the priest and the priestess are wearing long white robes, long white hat, and Anubis Masks. They mummify King Tut. They first use natron; next they used metal hooks and knives to remove the organs. The stomach, lungs, kidneys, and brain are placed in canopic jars. They remove the organs first before they add the natron. King Tut is wearing mummified bandages all over their heads and bodies. They buried the corpses at the bottom of the pyramid. They place King Tut in sarcophagus and seal him in. They also put rubies, gold, fruits, vegetables, bread, drinks, cheese, meat, candy, and ten servants right next to the sarcophagus. The ten servants are mummified alive and placed in a sarcophagus. The sarcophaguses are a diamonds, rubies, two scepters across the arms and have King Tut's face on it. King Tut became a well-known pharaoh in history and King Tut will live forever. Meanwhile in Japan, an Empress (Empress Vi's ancestor) is jealous of King Tut. (Dreaming Ends) Speedy wakes up. Polly and Francine yell at Speedy to get back to work. Speedy says, "I wish I was a king or a pharaoh."

Episode 8: Guido Anchovy as Ramses. Guido sees an action figure of Ramses. Later at work, Guido daydreams he's Ramses. (Dreaming) King Ramses wears a royal headdress topped by a cobra snake emblem, royal Egyptian skirt, and the royal beard. His wife is Nefertari (Lucille). He and his forces battled Sherden sea pirates and defeated them. He became one of the well-known rulers of Egypt in history. Meanwhile in Japan, an Empress (Empress Vi's ancestor) is jealous of Ramses. (Dreaming Ends) Lucille uses her homing missiles at Guido by accident. Guido wakes up from his daydreaming. Guido is hurt and he asked, "I wonder if Ramses had a hard time with his wife?"

Episode 9: Good Bird as Amenhotep III. Good Bird is watching a TV anime special of Amenhotep III. Later that night, Good Bird is sleeping with his wife. (Dreaming) Good Bird is dreaming that he's Amenhotep III. He wears a Nemes headdress, a royal Egyptian mini-skirt, and a royal beard. His wife is Tiye (Carla). Amenhotep III built amazing buildings and he even did a minor military expedition into Nubia. Amenhotep III became one of the well-known rulers of Egypt in history. Meanwhile in Japan, an Empress (Empress Vi's ancestor) is jealous of Amenhotep III. (Dreaming Ends) Good Bird wakes up at the middle of the night. He sees his wife still sleeping until she wakes up. Carla asked, "What's going on Birdie?" Good Bird says, "Nothing. Let's go back to sleep." Carla falls asleep. GB says, "What an interesting dream." GB falls asleep.


This is the retelling of the Samurai Pizza Cats, the Samurai Egyptian Cats, and their allies teach other new moves and finisher moves.


This is Samurai Pizza Egyptian Jackals first apperance.
